Tuesday 27 June 2017

I have just remastered one of my earlier songs here it is!


I am Very proud of this song.It was written and recorded in a matter of one day by myself alone at my simple home studio set up in Southport UK ....the song is about how love conquers all and even the worst of "Storms" can be beaten back by true love.

Heres the remaster of "Storms Do Obey Love"



Sunday 25 June 2017

My Latest Song Called "Living Without Your Love"


Here is my very latest song.
You can stream it for FREE on Bandcamp or go to my other music sites Reverbnation and Soundcloud...all FREE

The song was inspired by my imagination.My wife went to visit her mum for a week and my thoughts of "Living without your love" took hold...but the words are not literally about me...but I tried to imagine this scenario in a relationship and wrote this acoustic two track song ....Hope you like it.I wrote and recorded it here at home near Liverpool UK during a June mini heatwave 2017...now the heatwave has gone and its still june 2017...oh well that's England!

Heres the song link again


Thank you for reading and hope you can listen to my music

Bill Bront.
June 2017.