Wednesday 10 May 2017

New Song Called "Storms Do Obey Love"

Hello Blogger Readers

Yesterday I sat with my guitar here at home near Liverpool and found a chord sequence I liked.The chords are melancholic in sound...rather I decided to try to write a lyric to reflect the sound.I am no Bob Dylan I admit but I wanted to use metaphors in my lyric to this song.Eventually after about 3 hours the song took shape.I set up my home studio and began to record each track for the song,starting with my acoustic guitar rythym part.Next I put down a guitar solo again using my Crafter semi acoustic guitar,and finally I developed a tune shape and put words to the tune shape I had in my head.
From the lyrics the line "Storms Do Obey Love" caught my attention as reflecting what the song was about and also recurred at two important points in the that became the title to my new song!
I understood after listening that I needed some extra guitar on the track so I added another guitar track which was mainly the acoustic ending of the song.
With the software called Audacity I experimented with different effects including compression,but decided in the end not to add anything at all to the final recording.The Sound is real and nothing has been added to it by software or other instrumentation.Its simply three guitar tracks and one vocal track...a four track song.
Next I make sure the song is in WAV format.The reason being this is the format needed to put my song on the music platform called BANDCAMP.I did this and downloaded the song to my page on Bandcamp.Anybody can stream the song for free and there is an option to buy the full high quality download for as little as 1 pound.
I then copy and paste the link to my is the link

And put the link out there on social media primarily Facebook then Twitter then Instagram.I also have a Google plus page and put the song link there too.
Now I put the song on my BLOGGER page right here!

I hope you will enjoy the music...FREE Streaming just by clicking on the link.

That is an outline of how I go about songwriting and recording and distributing my music.

Here is the link again

So far the feedback from facebook has been very good with one friend saying it helped her to relax after a stressful morning.Another friend on facebook said it was an instant "Classic"which I was really pleased about.

So if you want to relax and chill out after a stressful day,then go to my song and I really think you will like it.

Thank you for reading this...

Until next time


Tuesday 2 May 2017

Honestly My Music Has NEVER Sounded Better Thanks To THIS

Hello To All INDIE Music Supporters here on BLOGGER.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to my songs I really appreciate it.I write and record Acoustic Pop from my home in Liverpool UK.
Just wanted to let you know I have my best ever set of songs over on BANDCAMP and the sound quality is SUPERB, better than any other music platform...FREE Streaming too!
Simply go to this link for some free streaming AND download my songs let me know what you think.

Keep on enjoying the music its great you are out there thank you very much
Bill Bront.x
ps you may need to copy and paste the link into your browser but I PROMISE you it will be worth it!

#acoustic #singersongwriter #albumalert #indiepop #altfolk #liverpoolmusic #bandcamp #guitarist #guitarplayer #songwriter #acousticmusic